Mayor Tommy Eschete, City Of Houma | City Of Houma website
Mayor Tommy Eschete, City Of Houma | City Of Houma website
The Coastal Zone Management office has announced the receipt of an application for a Coastal Use Permit and/or a Coastal Impact Certificate. The application is currently open for public comment until January 4, 2025. During this 25-day review period, the public can provide feedback before a final determination is made.
For inquiries or comments regarding the application, individuals are encouraged to contact Mart Black, Director, at 985-873-6889.
The application submitted by Terry Ellis, Jr. proposes the creation of a fishing pond, crawfish pond, and borrow pit. The borrowed dirt from these projects will serve as a foundation for a new home located in Section 15, T18S-R18E in Terrebonne Parish. The reference number for this project is P20240351.